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Terrace Kitchen Garden

We want to develop a common herbal garden in city, open for citizens because as morning walk benefits it herbal walk refresh or energies human body. In this series, we also promote home herbal garden making. With the association of national medicinal plant board, we organized a project of making home herbal garden

GMKF intend to establish herbal home garden of various types to popularize the usefulness of commonly available and frequently used Medicinal Plants among the various stakeholders and sensitize the public about our traditional knowledge. It is also a way of conserving Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) species of Medicinal Plants. Herbal Gardens of various kinds will be promoted under the scheme to create awareness about traditional usage of medicinal plants.

This would include Herbal Gardens of National and State importance as well as at the level of Institutions, Schools, Universities, Colleges and Homes .Encouraging herbal gardens in the homes is a good way to promote use of medicinal plants for primary health care at the household level.



  • 20 Medicinal and Aromatic species of which around 10 species (which in addition to medicinal plants could also include a few aromatic/food plants), based on locality specific need and demand are distributed to interested households. An attractive book on each species, usage and benefit of each species is also provided to the beneficiary
  • A Database of all such households, including photographic documentation at33various stages of implementation is submitted to NMPB along with a write upon the process/approach adopted, benefit accrued and the sustainability mechanism.
  • We also take effective steps for raising awareness in the identified locality.
  • As we know the UDAIPUR city is densely populated & there is not much land with the house-holds so potted plants and terrace rearing of medicinal plants are encouraged.
  • These initiatives also dovetailed with activities like Swach Bharat, use of bio fertilizers, vermiform post etc.