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Graminmadad kashi foundation ke founder श्री sandeep पाटीदार को स्वदेशी मंच द्वारा आयोजित कार्यक्रम में चीफ़ गेस्ट आमंत्रित किया गया
किसानों के हित एवं पढ़ाई कर रहे बच्चों को किस प्रकार अपना स्वयं का उद्योग डाल सकें,
आज की स्थिति में नौकरी सबको मिलना नामुमकिन है, विद्यार्थी निराश ना होकर आगे कई सारे अवसर होते है अपना कैरियर बनाने का, इसी उद्देश्य के साथ sandeep पाटीदार ने किस प्रकार खेती की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त कर आप खेती में आने वाली उपज को कच्चे माल से तैयार माल कर सकते है उद्योग स्थापित कर ज़्यादा आय तो प्राप्त कर ही सकते हो इसके अलावा आप अन्य कई युवाओं को रोजगार प्रदान कर समाज को प्रेरित भी कर सकते हो आदि चीज़ों पर प्रकाश डाला।
ज्ञातव्य है कि संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की ओर से 15 जुलाई का दिन विश्व युवा कौशल दिवस एवं 21 अगस्त विश्व उद्यमिता दिवस के रुप में घोषित किया गया है।
तद्नुसार स्वदेशी जागरण मंच अभी उदयपुर नगर के विभिन्न विद्यालयों में कक्षा 10 से 12वीं तक एवं तत्पश्चात महाविद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों के मध्य “उद्यमिता प्रोत्साहन सम्मेलन” आयोजित कर रहा है। उसी के अंतर्गत अपने सहयोगी संगठन भारतीय मजदूर संघ के साथ राष्ट्रभारती विद्यालय में उक्त सम्मेलन आयोजित कर रहा है।
कार्यक्रम में श्री धर्म नारायण जी जोशी, मा. विधायक, मावली रमन कुमार सूद, सेवा निवृत्त मण्डल प्रबन्धक, केनरा बैंक एवं पूर्व प्रदेश उपाध्यक्ष, भारतीय मजदूर संघ, राजस्थान
उद्यमी श्री शिवम पटेल,

  • Agri Entrepreneur Startup :Agricultural entrepreneurship, or “Agri-entrepreneurship,” refers to the process of applying innovative business solutions to farming and agriculture-related activities. Agri-entrepreneurs identify opportunities to address challenges in the agriculture sector, improve productivity, and generate sustainable income. With the rising demand for food security, climate-resilient farming, and technological integration, agri-startups are playing a vital role in transforming the landscape of traditional farming.Agri-startups often focus on areas like precision farming, organic agriculture, farm-to-consumer supply chains, agri-tech innovations like drones and AI, sustainable farming practices, and post-harvest solutions. These ventures create value by making farming more efficient, reducing waste, and increasing yields. For instance, startups may introduce mobile apps for farmers, digital platforms to connect farmers directly with consumers, or advanced tools for soil health monitoring. The potential for agri-startups is vast, especially as the world continues to seek sustainable food production methods.
  •  Kacchi Ghani : Kacchi ghani is a traditional cold-press method of extracting mustard oil, known for preserving the natural flavor and nutrients of mustard seeds. Starting a Kacchi Ghani oil business involves using a wooden or stone press to crush mustard seeds, ensuring a pure and unrefined oil that appeals to health-conscious consumers. The demand for cold-pressed oils is on the rise due to their nutritional value and the absence of chemicals, making it a viable and sustainable business venture. Sourcing quality mustard seeds and maintaining strict hygiene standards are key to producing a premium product that stands out in the competitive market. For a Kacchi Ghani startup, building trust with customers through transparency and authenticity is essential. Emphasizing the traditional process, natural quality, and health benefits of the oil can attract a loyal customer base. Moreover, tapping into online platforms and local markets for sales can help reach a wider audience. Establishing partnerships with small farmers for a consistent seed supply and offering a certified organic or farm-fresh product can further enhance the brand’s reputation, allowing the business to grow steadily in both urban and rural areas.
  • Commercial scale industries : CSIs are large-scale enterprises focused on mass production of goods and services, typically involving significant capital investment, advanced machinery, and a large workforce. These industries are geared toward producing products in bulk to meet widespread market demand, both domestically and internationally. Examples include sectors like automotive manufacturing, steel production, petrochemicals, textiles, and consumer electronics. Due to their large-scale operations, these industries benefit from economies of scale, allowing them to lower production costs and offer competitive pricing, while ensuring consistent quality and supply. Commercial scale industries play a crucial role in driving national economies by contributing significantly to GDP, generating employment, and fostering technological advancement. These industries often form the backbone of a country’s industrial sector, creating extensive supply chains and business ecosystems that support smaller enterprises. However, their large footprint can also have environmental and social impacts, such as increased resource consumption and pollution, leading to a growing emphasis on sustainable industrial practices and corporate social responsibility.
  • Small-scale industries:  SSI are businesses that operate with limited resources and workforce, typically focusing on production, manufacturing, or services at a local level. These industries play a vital role in the economic development of a country by providing employment opportunities and contributing to local economies. SSIs often involve cottage industries, handicrafts, agro-based products, and other manufacturing processes, requiring low investment and utilizing local raw materials. They serve as a foundation for entrepreneurship, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, promoting self-reliance and reducing dependency on large-scale industries. One of the key advantages of small-scale industries is their ability to adapt quickly to market changes and innovations. They contribute to the economy by generating employment and fostering regional development, which helps reduce urban migration. Government support, in the form of subsidies, tax benefits, and access to financing, has also boosted the growth of SSIs. These industries are particularly crucial in promoting balanced regional development, reducing income disparities, and contributing to exports through specialized and handcrafted products.