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Young plant whether propagated from seed or vegetative reproduction require lots of care particularly during the early stages of growth. They have to be protected from adverse temperature, heavy rain, drought, wind and varieties of pest and disease. If small seeds of vegetables are direct sown in field, germination is often poor and the young plant grow very slowly and require lots of time to mature. Also there may be limitations in terms of available season for full development in the field. To overcome this problems, vegetable crops are grown in nursery before being transplanted in the field.
GMKF organize training on nursery management and plant propagation. We also organized Nursery Management training programs with financial support of NABARD. During the training program we increase the awareness and motivate youth farmers to adopt nursery development.
Our course curriculum for nursery includes following topics:
Nursery crop protection : Diseases in nurseries ,Disease symptoms, Control of pests and diseases, Safety precautions. Up to the end of current financial year we have trained 1000 trainees in Nursery management.
This is mission of educating girls of schools and colleges about Sexual Offences, Laws Related to it, Precautionary Measures, Self Defense Techniques and how to report the crime.
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