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Farmers are an important part of the survival of our various societies because they provide food and fiber that nourishes and cloths us. They make responsible use of natural resources and utilize both primitive and very advanced technologies to accomplish this. India is a land of farmers. It is called so because majority of Indian are directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our economy. The farmers of the India are the most hard worker farmer from all over the world. They are being always busy in the farming for the crops by working night and day.  They use to plough the land and in that they sows the seeds for the growth of the crops.

FPO: Farmer Producer Company

The farmers have problems of low production due to less land area they have high inputs of fertilizer. As the population increases the limitation of land, occur in agriculture sector also. Due to decrease in cultivation land the farmer don’t understand how to proceed work and get revenue for their work. Hence government has come with unique idea for work in farmer clusters or create FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY where farmer work in-group registered themselves as  Company and earn profit. Many other benefits are there as when farmer work in-group the cost effective raw material they get, and government schemes will also help them. GMKF work with farmer since 1996; we have done many projects with farmer as kisan club, exposure visits, Kisan Mela, Farmer Development, organic farming training, Medicinal plant Cultivation and horticulture and many like projects.