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Rural Youth Agriculture Farmer

India is the youngest country of the world. It has maximum number of working populations. The current Govt. is trying to reap in the benefit of this demographic dividend. The challenge is to make this population a human resource which is not possible without education and skill development. The task is gigantic according to the report, state of the urban youths, India 2012, Empowerment, Livelihoods skills by 2020. India is set to become the world youngest country with 64 percent of its population in the working age group.

With the west, Japan and even China is aging. This demographic potential offers India and its growing economy an unprecedented edge that economists believe could add a significant 2 percent to the GDP growth rate by 2020, developed countries are predicted to face a short fall of over 57 million semiskilled man power while India is expected to have a surplus of 47 million. It will not only address domestic industry problems but also fulfil global manpower demand.

The unequal access to opportunity and the lack of emphasis on education remains a persistent problem. A person in an urban area has 23 percent greater chance of acquiring training than someone in a rural area. The wide gap between those who have access to education and skill development opportunities and those who do not, is a challenge that has to be overcome, The difference in youth development pattern is determined by the economic condition of the household in India, youth from the middle and rich households in India. Female youth are more disadvantaged as compared to male youth and it is the same with the rural urban distribution of youth. About 69 percent of the country lives in villages.

Agriculture is the largest employer but resulting in only 13 percent share of the GDP of the country. There are several challenges preventing Indias rural poor youths from competing in the modern market, such as the lack of formal education and marketable skills. The government is making all efforts to engage, educate, employ and make rural youth entrepreneurs.

GMKF has trained 20000 participants up to the end of the financial year in different agriculture related training programs for sustainable agriculture